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India's 1st

DGCA Type Certified

Logistics Drone

(Model SNDCX005HHX8 Type Certified)
CargoMax 500HE
Type Certified Badge

Drones Designed To Perform

Logistics Drones Designed to carry payloads from 500 gms to 80Kgs up to distances of 20km.

CargoMax Logistics Drones

Agricultural Spraying drones designed to make spraying fields more efficient, effective and safer.

ScanAgri Spraying Drones

Custom drones designed and built to suit the customers specific requirements.

SND Custom Drones

Confined Space Inspections

Industrial Inspections

Volumetric Analysis

Drone GPR

Drone Bathymetry

Drone Magnetometer

Drone Inspection Services

Our Drone Inspection Services enable  inspection and maintenance professionals to perform NDT inspections without putting workers at risk. Our inspections help you to get measurable insights in a fraction of the time required in a regular manned inspection.


What Sets Us Apart

At Scandron, we don't limit ourselves only to what we can achieve today. We are relentless in our efforts to deploy technology in ways that push beyond the realm of the possible—and to deliver technology solutions that provide valuable new capabilities to our customers well into the future. Our innovative unmanned aircraft systems are designed to broaden our customers’ horizons, enabling them to see the world in powerful, new ways and to tackle challenges that previously seemed insurmountable.

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